Sunday, 27 November 2011

Bally Qīpiàn

This weekend I was duped into taking part in a photo-shoot. I thought it might be a laugh and that there would be a bunch of us there, but shortly after my arrival I was (both to my horror and amusement) informed that I was 50% of the cast and that the setting was a romantic meal for two.

A little perplexed, and just slightly more awkward and self-conscious than usual, I dutifully took what was coming. Those of you that know me will be aware of just how uncomfortable I am when confronted with a camera – I can’t smile on cue, I’m generally sullen, so it’s frightfully apparent when I’m being urged to smile.

Anyway, I survived that ordeal and will be returning to the restaurant at some stage to collect my earnings – a free meal. Post shoot it as suggested that I go for a meal somewhere downtown Shanghai, “today has been pretty weird so far” I said to myself, "in for a penny in for a pound". . .

So I went downtown, still in my work clothes. I tend to dress quite smart for work – tailored shirt, trousers and coat, alongside my old brown brogues. Usually when going to central Shanghai I would expect to jump on the metro but this time I was being chauffer driven – I kid you not, that’s how these guys like to roll. As the plot unfolded it became apparent that I had unwittingly agreed to join my friend his family and their translator to go to the 160th anniversary party of Bally the Swiss fashion company. The party was bit of a damp squib, there was free champagne and an Asian film / model (who I happened to bump into in the lift) but apart from that it was all style and no content.  We left the real guests to enjoy the fashion show and I finally got to eat some food.

We regrouped after the meal and got back in the car and took a short detour around Pudong (which looks great when lit up at night) before heading towards an area known as the French Concession.  We picked up Ida (a magazine editor/fashion designer/model) on the way we then went straight to the nearest bar and devoured several rounds of drinks before changing  venue and spending  the rest of the night in ‘The Apartment’. At about 2 (quite early) we decided to call it a night and drive home to Songjiang. All-in-all it was an interesting day.    


  1. I knew you had model potential! Did you manage to have any food? Just wait until I tell the Aged A about this!xx
    PS I used to love Bally shoes!

  2. Ha-ha! Are you now the new face of egg fried rice?

    More posts man, more posts!

    At my age I must live vicariously!
